Tonight Hoppy was the only one at home for a little while & when I asked him if he wanted to press the cheese straws out, he jumped at the chance. I love it...he's 17 and still wanting to help in the kitchen. Makes my heart soar...and laugh...he was holding my cookie press like a gun at one point. I couldn't snap a picture fast enough to catch him. Crazy kiddo.
There is NOTHING healthy about cheese straws. Hence, comfort food. In the past I've made them with a gluten free flour, and they're not that bad, a little gritty, but passable. (add enough butter & cheese to anything and it will be palatable.) I had fun watching Hop press these out. We did a small batch so it didn't take too long. There were perfect and so yummy. I would love to know some of your favorite Christmas comfort foods. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas & be blessed beyond measure,
Yum. I love me a cheese straw. I really love Edgar's, but I'm not paying 40cents for 1 cheese straw.