Hey MOJ, I haven't posted in a while... 'tis the season. I've been hauling children hither & yon since I last posted. It's funny how I thought things would get easier when they all started big school. Um, yeah, that's not true at all, I just don't have any down time with them any more. Well, that's not totally true, I have a precious few hours each week.
Of course, I'm going to use those hours to try & stuff some healthy food down their tummies, and have a little quality time before the MASSIVE amounts of studying must resume. We're up to our ears in homework. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, my children are getting a wonderful education, I just don't know if I could graduate from my alma mater now. They are learning stuff I learned in college...yikes.
Just now Hop left to go to Saturday morning workouts for football...it's 6:48 am on a Saturday. It makes me sleepy. Or sleepier anyway, especially during carpool...have you ever fallen asleep during carpool, I have, it's another story for another time, funny though.
I am always on the lookout for
healthy, and good things to cook. I had a friend from church tell me the next time I go to Taziki's (it's a yummy Greek restaurant here) to get the
Friday Special. It's so popular it's served Friday-Sunday. Well, I happened to be there on a Friday a few weeks ago & decide to take her advice & order it...I am sooo glad I did! Can I tell you how wonderfully delicious it was? Oh my, I could have eaten it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I dreamed about it & could taste it in my dream.
Last Wednesday rolls around, which is a down day for the fam. (I say that very loosely, it's the closest thing we have to a down day...I know lot of you can relate.) I know what I'm making for dinner...you got it, the Friday special. It's too good to have to wait until Friday to eat it. While I was cooking the children kept coming in & asking what we were having, I told them it was happiness on a plate. Of course they looked at me like I had lost my mind. If I have, it's their fault. :)
Can I tell you the Friday special looks pretty on a plate. My mom always said presentation is important, and not only does this dish taste divine, it presents well. My mom would be proud. I received RAVE reviews from the FS. I had it done in 30 minutes, it is a healthy meal, and all the children cleaned their plates (some went back for seconds), and they all asked me to cook it again. We'll put the Friday Special in the W column, and I will do the Victory dance, which my children promptly tell me I look stupid doing & to please quit embarrassing them. (that last part didn't happen, but it could have.)
I have made mental notes on how to make the Friday Special taste better, and it calls for planning ahead, but it will be worth it, but if I don't no biggie, it will still taste wonderful. I am going to give you my tweaked version, but know it makes a lot. Make sure you do your own victory dance when you're done too. It's always fun to embarrass your children. :)
Y'all be blessed beyond measure,